Author: Mac Xavier Rating: PG-13 Summary: Wolverine returns to Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youth, with a few more memories and an old friend he and the Professor have in common. Rogue learns there are worse things in the world than not knowing who you are.
Author: Lore Krajsman Rating: PG-13 Summary: A day in the life of a young slave of the Horsemen
Author: Lore Krajsman Rating: G Summary: A Hunter story from the point of view of a Hunter
Part: One -- Two Author: Wyndewalker Rating: NC-17 Summary: While camping Mac and Richie meet an unusual young woman who is kidnapped by the Centre. Jarod goes to Mac and Richie for help in rescuing her and end of with more than expected. Adam aka Methos and Joe are called before the Watcher Tribunal to explain Adam and Mac's relationship. Things never stay the same.
Author: Lore Rating: PG Summary: What would happen if I found myself immortal and Methos found me.